On November 11, 2014
Although, to be fair, they are all kinda vanity posts, aren’t they? Anyway, I have my nose buried in Facebook for at least three hours a day, and happened upon a chainmail-esque “10 Things You May Not Know About Me” post, that beckons readers to respond with a post of their own. And I thought why not. Maybe my quirks will entertain you, while I carry on the tradition here in my blog. Or maybe you’ll nope right out of this post. But I felt like writing tonight, and when I feel like writing, random posts happen. Now on to the things…. 1. I’m addicted to Reddit. I could spend hours on it. I get my news from it. I learn about politics and world events. I discover new artists, photographers, skills and hobbies. I’ve never seen so much chagrin and sarcasm contained in one site that I can’t help reacting with a smirk of impressed surprise and glee. Needless to say, it gives me the giggles. 2. I read so much smut. All the smut historical romance I can find. If “Harlequin” is anywhere on the cover, I’m reading it. And those Barbara Cartland books! When I was a young girl, Lifetime (I believe) released a few mini series based on Barbara Cartland books, and I was embarrassingly overjoyed. The Ghost of Monte Carlo makes me believe in the power of romanticism. The Lady and the Highwayman is on YouTube. Seriously. Watch it. 3. I’m a poetry snob. I’ll read all the historical romance smut ever, but put a rhyming quatrain in front of me and my gag reflex starts to activate. I can’t help it! I’m a lover of contemporary poetry. It’s what I write, what I understand, and how I relate emotionally to the content. But rhyming poetry makes me sneer. I’m ashamed. Seriously. Because I’m passionate about the written word. But the automatic reaction I have to rhyme is often violent. 4. Despite my love of romantic literature and romanticized ideologies, I am one of the least sentimental people I know. I lack the mental ability to appreciate keepsakes. Everything I own has a purpose besides sentimentality. Do I keep photographs of my kids? A few. Did I keep their baby hats, a lock of their hair, their first school drawing? No. What I keep I do so because it evokes in me a feeling via its aesthetic properties, not because I associate with it a memory. Is that strange? My husband would say yes. Ha! 5. I can actually call myself a religious rights activist. I’ll spare you the politics of it, but it’s a selfishly proud moment for me. 6. I love all things macabre. A museum of torture devices? I’ve got my tickets! 7. I geek about television and movies to such a degree that I actually dislike seeing a movie with my husband because his response to my inevitable question “What did you think?” is always “Meh.”. What about the feels, the action, the cinematography, the amazing score? Or did you hate the score? Why did you hate it? There are not enough hours in the day to discuss this subject. 8. Debate is a devilish past time of mine. The Egyptian riots, India’s sterilization, PETA, Obamacare and the dolphin hunts…. if I’ve read about it or researched it, I have an opinion about it. Usually a strong one. 9. Since pretty much forever, I’ve struggled with stage fright. These days, crowds or groups of more than 7 strangers can send me into an honest panic. But beyond that, I’m incurably camera shy and speaking before an audience of … well… anyone with whom I’m not familiar will send me into a sweaty, mumbling downward spiral, from which I’ll stumble before falling into a whimpering fetal position. And last, but not least…. 10. Spiders. They all must die. Now… tell me ten things about you! If you have a blog, and decide to write a vanity post of your own, share a link in the comments. I’d love to read it! In the meantime, happy weaving everyone! Nicole
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