On July 16, 2012
How surprised was I when I logged on this morning and realized I got an award! KJ from Beadacious Beads was kind enough to gift me with a Kreativ Blogger award, despite the fact I’ve been woefully remiss in actively blogging these last two months. I appreciate the generous spirit of my fellow bloggers, so in an effort to further the essence of that generosity, I’m forwarding the blogging love (sort of like a hippy commune, but without all that disgusting hugging). Plus, she threatened me with the violent mauling of puppies if I didn’t. Not that she would maul puppies, mind you, but I think there is some sort of blogger chain mail black magic voodoo involved, and who wants to mess with that kind of mojo, really? And, even though I’m a cat person, I just don’t want small-dog death on my conscience. There are a few rules to follow when forwarding blogger love, and those rules are as follows: 1. Post a link to the person who awarded you. BAM! Done! I’m on the ball! You can all blame KJ now. 2. Share seven well-thought out random things about yourself. Now, random is totally do-able. I’ve perfected that art. But well-thought out and random factoids are like unicorns and leprechauns…. elusive, and damn near impossible to find together. That kind of wizardry will cost you a Diet Pepsi and maybe some brain food, like Skittles. Everyone thinks better when they eat rainbows. 3. Award to ten other deserving bloggers and let them know they’ve been cursed, I mean, gifted… no puppy death involved, I promise. Nope. Nada. All unicorns and rainbows here, I tell you! So, seven things. Random and well-thought out. Greedy bastards. Let’s see…. Factoid 1. I don’t have air conditioning. Totally random, right? And, granted, that’s more a statement about my environment than it is about me, but if I preface it with the fact I’m a disgustingly miserable person to be around when I’m hot, then it becomes a personalized random factoid about how horrible I am. I’m winning you over, aren’t I? And Michigan has been experiencing record highs this summer. You can imagine the depths of my joy, I’m sure. My husband has decided to move to a cot in the garage, because my whining as finally found his last nerve and permanently attached itself. Factoid 2. I suddenly feel like this is a confessional, so I’ll tell you that I am insatiably lazy. Those two words might even seem diametrically opposed to one another, but I promise you it works. I love the idea of perpetual lounging. That doesn’t mean I’m not, on occasion, incredibly motivated, but it’s always within reason. I never tackle anything I can’t finish in a sitting. No books. No drawings. No jewelry. Everything has a time frame, and that frame is always nestled within very specified constraints. So, even though it may appear I’ve accomplished quite a bit in a short amount of time, it’s only because I’m planning on doing nothing for the following eight days. Factoid 3. There is only one thing in this world I dislike more than cooking, and that is gardening. I had a hard enough time keeping my kids alive long enough to cook their own meals, and they have opposable thumbs! Imagine how my plants feel. If they could talk, you’d simply hear the sounds of their death moans on the wind. Grass is fine. We pay people to mow it. But flowers and plants are far less likeable beasts. Factoid 4. On the opposite end of the misery, laziness and dislike spectrum, I am a lover of all things artistic. I used to fancy myself a writer and artist, even a fashion designer at once, though I’m sure designers would be aghast to see my closet. Not a single pair of heels in sight. But I love writing and reading contemporary poetry, been published a few times (nothing notable), and I have delicious ideas for novels that I’ll never write (see Factoid 2). I enjoy photography and painting, though I’m not particularly good at either, and I take photographs of my dogs when I’m sad. Factoid 5. I’m not a people person. I’m claustrophobic in crowds and parties make me nauseous. If it’s my birthday, just leave a present at the door. Oddly, I never feel lonely in my own company, and prefer the solitude. Factoid 6. I never finished college. Never much desire. I was, at one point, a religious studies major. Not because I’m religious, but because I’m curious. Then I realized that degree belonged to one of three people: nuns, the homeless and the rich. Since those don’t apply, I switched majors to that of English Literature. Then I realized I didn’t like children enough to teach (or at all), and the end no longer justified the means. That kind of degree means one of two things: a teaching position, or unemployment. Beyond that, nothing else seemed worth the cost of tuition. With that said, I’ve an insatiable lust for knowledge. Except politics or American history. Snore. Factoid 7. I have three guilty pleasures in life: reality TV (Dance Moms, Toddlers & Tiaras and American Gypsy Weddings to be exact), Harlequin romance novels, and, last but not least, Facebook. I hate myself a little more each day for it. I think I can actually hear my soul dying. It sounds like a squeak. So that’s it. Those are seven random and well…. random… factoids about me. I didn’t have my Skittles today. But now on to the good stuff. Ten blogs to receive my blogger love which, the more I say that, sounds inappropriate and dirty. And oddly, this is harder than it seems. I don’t have many blogs in my feed, and most are inactive, so I’ll do my best to keep it as interesting and versatile as possible. 1. The World According to Maggie : Maggie Stiefvater is an author of young adult novels, and creator of some of the most inspirational YouTube “book trailer” videos I’ve ever seen. Her work is haunting and emotionally fulfilling, and her blog is entertaining and intelligent. 2. The Online Home of Randolph LaLonde : Now, admittedly, he will be abandoning his blog soon, diverting his focus towards podcasts, so get in on the genius while the getting is good. Randolph LaLonde is the father of the space opera series Spindward Fringe, my most favorite science fiction history to date. He is a self-published author, with eight successful books under his belt, a dozen successful short fiction pieces, and is an inspiration to authors in their infancy. 3. Fro Knows Photo : Not a blogger blog, but still a blog, Jared Polin has provided a wealth of photographic knowledge for students and aficionados alike, with weekly rapid fire critiques, how-to videos and detailed product reviews. All without the snobbery and pretentiousness often associated with modern photography. 4. Shadowscapes : The Blog of artist Stephanie Pu-Mun Law. Though a little short with the written word, is a store of visionary pleasures, the likes of which I’ve never seen. I love to step inside the creative process of artists, and she allows us to do just that, posting numerous sketches and works-in-progress, and allowing us to follow her on her journey. 5. [Meta] Drawer : An artists blog with so many informational articles, it’s hard to keep track. Insight into choosing the right paper, the right pencil, and sometimes just letting the art happen as organically as possible. Great for the student of art, perhaps not as interesting to an appreciator of art who would rather enjoy the finished product. 6. Regretsy : Again, not a traditional blogger blog, but far too amusing to ignore. Regretsy is the anti-thesis to the Etsy “handmade” model (which is to say, the model Etsy itself doesn’t really support), with a mission to showcase the vast and obvious differences between hand made and artisan, and perhaps poke a little fun at the everyone-is-an-artist mentality. Not for those easily offended. 7. Edera Jewelry : Romantic handmade lace jewelry doesn’t even begin to describe the works displayed on this lovely and professional blog. If you ever wonder about selling from a blog, use this site as inspiration from which to draw, because the attention to detail and depth of professionalism, both in jewelry and web design, is unending. The jewelry is romantic, indeed, with a lingering scent of Victorian sensibilities and bridal elegance. You’ll love it. 8. Jenny On The Spot: It’s just plain cute. Ordinary moments detailed with a humorous and sometimes self-depricating homage to motherhood, womanhood or sisterhood. Entertaining! 9. Go Fug Yourself : Because I love snark! 10. Felicia Day Blog: I’m a geek. Felicia Day, creator and writer of The Guild web series (watch it… seriously… it’s hysterical), co-star in Joss Whedon’s internet sensation “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog”, and generally loveable gamer-girl, keeps you up to date with her projects, appearances, disappointments and accomplishments. If I could have a geek-gasm, Felicia Day, Nathan Fillion, Comi-Con and Joss Whedon would all somehow be involved. Ahem. Now, these ten blogs hardly need promotional help from my teensy neck of the woods, but I feel like I’m doing my part to spread the fun! Kind of like a venereal disease, but without the shame. Or itching. Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoy visiting the blogs listed here. Feel free to post your favorite blogs in the comments section! Happy weaving!
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