The Witch's Rattle
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Coping With Illness....
I didn't use a journal or planner for two years. Here's what happened....
Creativity: The Seven Deadly Sins (and how to avoid them)
The Most Important Thing I Learned In High School Art Class (Pst.... it wasn't technique)
Studio Tour And Organizing For Small Spaces
The Truth About The Creative Community
My Top Five Favorite Art Documentaries
Creativity And My Road To Minimalism
Why I Don't Call Myself A Self-Taught Artist
Is It Okay to Copy?
Why I Don't Strive For Creative Perfection
Favorites to Follow on Instagram
Glastonbury, Creative Atmosphere and Travel
Quality vs. Quantity (And Why It's Not So Black and White)
Creativity vs (UN)Constructive Criticism
An Endless Appreciation: Tree of Life Symbolism
When I'm Not Making Jewelry....
Why I Own the Handcrafted Jewelry of Other Artists
Perfectionism and Creativity